Thursday, 5 June 2014

Raising the Bar 30th April 2014

Session 5

Now that I had began to develop an understanding of the movements involved, it was time to start raising the bar. I decided to put a success criteria on each session, this meant that I needed to set a target outcome for each session, this will enable me to monitor my success and help with the development of the skill

If I am to  take more responsibility for my learning, I will need to be able to recognize when I have succeeded and failed. This will allow me to critically evaluate my sessions and see if I am making progress (Northern Ireland Curriculum, 2007)

"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm".
Winston Churchill 

The Snap

Video of the basics of a Standard Snap

The standard snap was developed as it was more effective for employing a passing game. The fastest way for transition between the center and the QB meant that the laces had to be rotated and placed into the QB throwing hand. To do this effectively, the center must grip the ball, having the thumb on the laces. When the "hike"occurs the center has to bring the ball up quickly and in doing so turning the thumb up for the quarterback. By doing this the center will rotate the laces to place them perfectly in the QB fingertips. (Coach Wade, 2007)


Integration of all movements including a snap phase and with a certain amount of time to hit a stationary target 10 meters away

10 throws warm up passing between players
5 throws focusing on each phase including snap at 70%
5 throws including snap with time limit and target at 70%
10 throws at target at 90%

This session I the target 6/10, this is 60% completion rate. I still have a lot to work on as only just hit over half my targets, by adding the snap to the throw it allowed me to get a sense of timing and work through a routine. I asked my flatmate to perform the snap after giving him a brief run through of what is involved in the snap, he picked it up relatively quickly as it is a closed skill.

Northern Ireland Curriculum (2007). Asssement for Learning. PMD, 2-4.

Coach Wade (2007, June 6). Coaching the Center Snap. Retrieved from


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